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Drug Agents Dig Up Additional $259,000 From Recent Drug Operation

   Still working a recent drug operation that netted the arrests of two individuals and the seizure of hundreds of thousands of dollars in marijuana, drug agents literally “dug up” more than $250,000 from a Lawrence County property last week.

   According to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Spokesperson Jennifer Johnson, drug agents continuing to conduct an investigation into a multi-jurisdictional drug operation that resulted in the arrests of John R. Pierce, 54, of 956 Turnpike Road, Summertown, and John Christopher Stough of 14442 Campbellsville Road on Friday, April 27, discovered the $259,000 buried on the Lawrence County property.

   Authorities with the Giles and Lawrence County Sheriff’s Departments indicate that the operation was undertaken by agents with both departments as well as the Lawrenceburg Police Department, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Agency and Tennessee Department of Revenue.

   Agents conducted searches in the Campbellsville area of Giles County and the Summertown area of Lawrence County. The searches, they report, turned up some sophisticated marijuana manufacturing operations including an old school building that had been converted into a fully automated inside grow operation, and a second sophisticated system that relied upon hydroponic grow techniques.

   In a press release issued last week, TBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Dale Armour explained, “We found timers that were set up to water the plants at designated intervals. There were lights hooked up to automatic tracks that moved evenly over the pots to ensure maximum growing potential. We found detailed records of various planting seasons. Clearly a lot of thought was put into this.”

   According to Johnson, agents “discovered everything from seedlings to full grown plants along with rooms that appeared to have been emptied recently.”

   Altogether, investigators reported seizing nearly 400 marijuana plants, some 56 pounds of dried marijuana, two vehicles, three pieces of property, and $176,000 in cash. The second find raises the total amount of case seized to $435,000.

   Both Pierce and Stough are charged with one count each of possession of marijuana for the purpose of resale, conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $45,000.

   According to investigators, the marijuana seized had an estimated street value of between $300,000 and $400,000.